Celebrations - Gotcha Days and Birthdays

Pearl’s 3rd Birthday

Today is Pearl’s 3rd birthday. Even though we included her favorite things and some candles on Molly’s enormous birthday cake last week, we wanted to give our youngest kitty a little celebration on her actual birthday.

Wolfie and Molly waited patiently for Pearl to come to her party.

Wolfie and Molly waiting patiently for Pearl to come to her birthday celebration.

Pearl needed to be enticed to wake from her nap and come enjoy some yummy canned food.

Pearl needed some enticing to wake up and come join the party.

Her Dad presented the birthday treat with flaming birthday candles.

Dad brought her tasty treat with flaming birthday candles.

The yumminess was enjoyed by everyone.

Pearl enjoyed eating her birthday treat.
Woflie enjoyed some of Pearl's birthday treat.
Molly enjoyed a little bit of Pearl's birthday treat.

12 thoughts on “Pearl’s 3rd Birthday”

  1. Mee-yow Happy 3rd Birfday Pearl….man you gotted lit candless on yore ‘cake’?!?! That iss so kewl. Molly an Wolfie wee happy you got to share the foodabullss an fun two!

    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an (((huggiess))) BellaSita Mum

  2. I am so sorry I missed this!!!! I was in tooth hell the past month (Now I am doing much much better!) Happy WAY BELATED 3rd birthday Pearl! You are such a beautiful kitty! You remind me a bit of my Angel Cody. I am certain you had a wonderful celebration! ((((hugs)))

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