Celebrations - Gotcha Days and Birthdays

4 Days Until Molly’s 3rd Birthday!

Mom and Dad keep saying my birthday is almost here, but when I look out the window, I don’t see anything.

Tortishell cat Molly sitting on a window sill looking towards the camera.

They are making something for my birthday present.

Long, white board sitting atop some plastic bins.

Do you have any idea what it is? The plastic bins are just to hold the long, white thing off the floor while the paint dries. It doesn’t look like any of my toys, but they think I’m really going to enjoy using it.

My 3rd birthday is on Tuesday, April 30. They’re planning a little celebration with non-prescription treats for me and cake for them!

9 thoughts on “4 Days Until Molly’s 3rd Birthday!”

  1. Hey meow just tried to comment but wordpress forced me to rest password and wiped Sir Pickle Longpaws day o burf message. Ill try again at some point just too frustrated and tired of tech at this moment.

    Please post what the cool prezzie is

    See you at nipclub

    Best regards, Alex and SPL

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