Celebrations - Gotcha Days and Birthdays

Pearl’s 3rd Birthday

Today is Pearl’s 3rd birthday. Even though we included her favorite things and some candles on Molly’s enormous birthday cake last week, we wanted to give our youngest kitty a little celebration on her actual birthday.

Wolfie and Molly waited patiently for Pearl to come to her party.

Wolfie and Molly waiting patiently for Pearl to come to her birthday celebration.

Pearl needed to be enticed to wake from her nap and come enjoy some yummy canned food.

Pearl needed some enticing to wake up and come join the party.

Her Dad presented the birthday treat with flaming birthday candles.

Dad brought her tasty treat with flaming birthday candles.

The yumminess was enjoyed by everyone.

Pearl enjoyed eating her birthday treat.
Woflie enjoyed some of Pearl's birthday treat.
Molly enjoyed a little bit of Pearl's birthday treat.

Celebrations - Gotcha Days and Birthdays

Molly’s 3rd Birthday

It’s official. Molly is 3 years old!

When Molly was a little over 2 years old and we were told that she had moderately advanced kidney disease and might not make it to her 3rd birthday, I decided that if she did, we would celebrate with a 3-tier cake. Our birthday celebrations usually include cupcakes or a simple 2-layer cake, so a 3-tier cake was ambitious.

Here it is. Over 10 inches tall chocolate and vanilla cake with chocolate and vanilla buttercream. There are two sets of candles because we decided to make the cake for both Molly and Pearl. Pearl’s 3rd birthday is next week, May 11.

The three layers were decorated with some of their favorite things. For Molly, we have grass and flowers, a butterfly, and a bee. She loves being outside, and chasing butterflies and bees are her favorite activities.

For Pearl, there’s a green sparkle ball, a toy mouse, and a blue puddle of water.

It’s a little easier to see the decorations on each layer. I wasn’t sure how stable the stacked cake would be, so I took more time to take photos of the separate layers.

Here’s what the slices looked like. Thankfully, we have several neighbors who were eager to help eat the huge cake.

As for her birthday gift, we added a long shelf to the windowsills in the bathroom so it’s easier for the kitties to sit up there. Now they can walk between the two windows. Before, the windowsill was too narrow for them to comfortable turn around, and they couldn’t get to the window on the right.

All three of the kitties fit in the windows now.

Molly can safely stand and turn around and I don’t worry as much about her falling.

Molly walking along the wider window sill.

Here’s a little video of Molly on the new window sill. She’s hesitant to jump up from the counter because it looks different, but I’m sure she’ll get used to it. Her dad is standing next to her (and he’s joking about her looking for termites, that’s why I made the comment about termites up her nose.)

All it all, it was a wonderful birthday. The kitties spent lots of time enjoying the backyard, Molly stole some of her brother’s kibbles, we ate yummy cake, and they all get to enjoy a new window ledge.

Celebrations - Gotcha Days and Birthdays

4 Days Until Molly’s 3rd Birthday!

Mom and Dad keep saying my birthday is almost here, but when I look out the window, I don’t see anything.

Tortishell cat Molly sitting on a window sill looking towards the camera.

They are making something for my birthday present.

Long, white board sitting atop some plastic bins.

Do you have any idea what it is? The plastic bins are just to hold the long, white thing off the floor while the paint dries. It doesn’t look like any of my toys, but they think I’m really going to enjoy using it.

My 3rd birthday is on Tuesday, April 30. They’re planning a little celebration with non-prescription treats for me and cake for them!

Cat antics

Kitties Enjoying the Yard and Molly’s Birthday Countdown.

All is well here. We’re spending lots of time in the yard, enjoying mild temperatures, fresh air, sunpuddles, and spring flowers. Despite the yard being plenty big enough for everyone to roam without crowding into each other, Molly insists on being Wolfie’s closest friend. She adores her big brother!

Molly joins Wolfie at one end of the yard.

And joins him again in the center of the yard.

Then Molly casually rolls into Wolfie at the other end of the yard.

He’s a super-chill kitty and a good sport about her need to be close to him.

Pearl is more comfortable inside the house, but she’s also been out for some springtime exploring. She enjoys the yard as long as there aren’t any noises from gardeners, pool guys, loud vehicles, noisy birds, breezes, etc.

Molly’s 3rd birthday is on May 30!
She was diagnosed with renal disease when she was 2 years old, and the vet told us she likely wouldn’t survive to her 3rd birthday. Since her diagnosis, we have taken every day as a gift and try to make it the best day for her. Molly is happy and full of energy and doing well. We’re not kidding ourselves that she has a serious health condition, and something could go wrong any day, but we’re pretty sure she’s going to make it to 3 years old!

We haven’t decided on the details of her birthday celebration, but it’s going to be fantastic.