Random musings

Thirteen Questions & Answers

I was inspired by CK’s recent post and thought I’d do a Q & A myself.

    1. Night owl or morning person? Both. I like to play around 11 p.m. then sit and watch out the front window for a while. I also enjoy waking my humans early in the morning for breakfast.
    2. What is your favorite treat? Butter
    3. What is your favorite color? Red. I bet you thought I’d say black, or gold (for my eyes). But I think I rock my red collar (when you can see it).
    4. What’s your favorite tree? My 6-foot tall blue carpeted perch with the deep round bed.
    5. What’s your favorite form of exercise? Playing feather toy with Mom is fun, but I also enjoy batting & chasing balls up and down the long hall. Oh, I also like running away from my Dad and him chasing me.
    6. What’s your favorite newspaper? The one Dad is currently reading.
    7. What’s the longest trip you’ve taken? It’s 43 miles round trip to my vet.
  1. What’s the sickest you’ve ever been? Probably when I swallowed a long piece of ribbon-like fabric. I was VERY lucky to escape surgery and only needed lots of fluids and some laxatives to get it through my system.
  2. Do you sing in the car? Sometimes, but not too much.
  3. Do you prefer baths or showers? Showers, although Mom calls it giving me a “bath”, it’s really a shower. I’ve never had a bath.
  4. If you could get yourself anything, what would you get? Another kitty sibling who was friendly and didn’t intimidate me.
  5. What is your biggest pet peeve? I don’t know what a peeve is. Our biggest pet was my Golden Retriever brother Bentley. He was big, but super friendly.
  6. Are you superstitious? No. And that’s why we’re ending at number 13!

29 thoughts on “Thirteen Questions & Answers”

  1. That was fun. Our favorite answer is #12. We always enjoy learning more about our friends. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

    1. The vet used to be less than 5 miles away, but Mom moved. She’s been taking all of us to him for almost 20 years and doesn’t trust anyone else. Once you develop a great relationship with a vet, it’s hard to recreate with someone else. She likes his approach to medicine, likes the way he and the staff handle the animals, and he knows Mom’s philosophy about how she wants to manage our health.

    1. Mom & Dad think the best chance for me to accept a newcomer is for them to adopt a couple of kittens. It might happen, when Mom is 100% sure of the idea. She hasn’t had kittens in over 20 years.

  2. We also love butter. Mummy never gives it to Us but we sometimes manage to lick it off the knife when She puts it in the sink to wash it and then turns away for a minute or two.
    Happy Valentine’s Day.

  3. I like butter and swallowed blind cord that came out without surgery, thank goodness…so we have a few things in common, Raven! Interesting answers! Happy Valentine’s Day to you…hope it was sweet and filled with love!

  4. Butter? Wow. Love your answers – especially #12. 🙂 We have a far drive to our vet too, since we moved. I’m worried it will be a problem some day – but I guess if it was a real emergency there are closer places I could go.

  5. Great questions and answers, Raven! I love #6 – it makes me think of our cat Katie who always loved to park herself on the newspaper when I was reading it!

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